When was tala al badru alayna
When was tala al badru alayna

How many times have we cried for missing him? How many times we thought of reading his biography? how many times we decided to defend him?ĭo we love him more than our parents, more than our wealth, and more than ourselves?! What should we do to prove our love? I'm not asking anyone to be like Um Salama (RA) who was injuered while defending the prophet Peace be upon him.But there are things less than this we can do to express our love to him, What about adherence of his Sunnah? What about memorizing a collection of his hadeeths. I’ll wait for them on Al Hawdh (the Place where the Prophet is going to give all survivors a handful water from his noble hands that will make them never feel thirsty again after this hard day-the Judgment Day- and this will be directly before interring Paradise). When the Prophet visited Al Bakki’ (a burial-ground in Madienah next to the Prophet’s mosque) before his death, he told his companions:” I wish I could see my brothers.” They replied:≊ren’t we your brothers?” The Prophet said:”No, you are my companions, my brothers are those who didn’t see me and yet follow me and believe in me. We love him so much, but what have we done to prove that we love him? What exactly? He suffered so much for us.He missed us even before we were born. When I read his Sira (biography), I feel that I want to be one of those Shabyiat who defended him in Uhud, I want to be like Um Salama. What is meant is that these authentic ahaadeeth make the Dufoof and singing mentioned in this hadeeth that we are reviewing and its likes objectionable.Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the mercy which was sent to guide us from the darkness to the light of Islam.To guide us from worshipping people, to worship the creator of people. This chain of narration is authentic according to the criteria set by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. So the Prophet and his companion came in the middle of their crowd, and the people of Madeenah came out to see him to the extent that the virgins were on top of the roofs to see them, asking, 'Which one is he? Which one is he?' He said, 'We have never seen such a scene before.' Anas ibn Maalik said, 'I saw him the day that he entered upon us and the day that he died I have never seen the people so happy like the day when he came, and I have never seen them so sad like the day that he died.' The Ansaar said to them, 'You are safe and obeyed. Around five hundred people from the Ansaar were waiting to welcome them. We were at some stony suburbs of Madeenah then a man from Madeenah sent us to proclaim the arrival of the Prophet’s and his companion to the Ansaar. until Muhammad came along with his companion Abu Bakr. Then they were saying, 'Muhammad has arrived.' I ran (to see him), but did not see anything. “ I walked among the boys, who were saying, 'Muhammad has arrived.' I ran (to see him), but I did not see anything. The hadeeth by Anas ibn Maalik is the same, as he said: a tambourine-like instrument without bells) is objectionable in the story of welcoming the Prophet is the statement of Al-Bara' ibn 'Aazib 'Then the Prophet came to Madeenah, and I have never seen the people of Madeenah so happy as when they welcomed the Messenger of Allaah to the extent that the slave girls were saying, 'The Messenger of Allaah has arrived…'” “ What confirms that the mention of Dufoof (plural of Duff, i.e. This chain of narrators is weak its men are trustworthy, but it is deficient as it lacks three narrators or more from the chain of narrators.” It was reported by Abul-Hasan Al-Khila’i in Al-Fawaa'id (2/59) and by Al-Bayhaqi in Dalaa'il An-Nubuwwah 92/233) from Al-Fadhl ibn Al-Hubaab, who said, 'I heard Abdullaah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Aa’ishah say. “ That when he came to Madeenah, the women and children were chanting, 'Tala’a al-badru ‘alayna min thaniyyaatil-wadaa’ / wajaba ash-shukru ‘alayna ma da’a li-llaahi daa’,' is weak. However, the story was classified by Al-Albaani as weak in As-Silsilah Adh-Dha’eefah, as he said under the hadeeth no. The story that you mentioned in the question was reported by Al-Bayhaqi and narrated by ‘Aa’ishah who said, “When the Messenger of Allaah came to Madeenah, the women and children were chanting, 'Tala’a al-badru ‘alayna min thaniyyaatil-wadaa’ / wajaba ash-shukru ‘alayna ma da’a li-llaahi daa.'” I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the worlds.

When was tala al badru alayna